


姓    名:潘林

性    别:




联系方式:linpandr@163.com; +86-158*7137*0573







(1) 2008.09-2010.07 德国哈根大学FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany, 电气工程及自动化系,中德联合培养博士;

(2) 2007.09-2010.07 东华大学,信息科学与技术学院,博士;

(3) 2004.09-2007.07 太阳成集团的官方网站,理学院,硕士


   (1) 2016.07-至今,太阳成集团的官方网站Wuhan University of Technology,太阳集团TYC官方入口官网,教授;

   (2) 2019.05-2019.11 德国柏林工业大学Technische Universität Berlin,系统控制研究所, 高级研究学者; 合作教授: Joerg Raisch;

   (3) 2018.04-2018.05 德国汉堡船模试验池HSVA-The Hamburg Ship Model Basin, Hamburg, Germany,学术访问,合作教授Hilmar Klug;

   (4) 2018.04-2018.05 德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany,学术访问,合作教授Steven Ding;

   (5) 2017.12-2017.12 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学University of Technology Sydney(UTS), Australia,学术访问,合作教授: Longbing Cao. Jinchen Ji;

   (6) 2014.07-2016.06 卢森堡大学University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg,信息工程研究中心,高级研究员Senior Researcher合作导师: Holger Voos;

  (7) 2013.11-2013.11 荷兰阿姆斯特丹国家数学和计算机中心(CWI, Netherlands), 学术访问, 合作导师: Kees Oosterlee;

  (8) 2014.01-2014.01 意大利罗马系统分析和计算机科学研究所(IASI, Italy), 学术访问, 合作导师: Francesco Carravetta;

  (9) 2013.04-2014.06 卢森堡大学University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 信息工程研究中心, 玛丽居里学者Marie Curie Fellow, 合作导师: Holger Voos;

  (10) 2011.11-2012.12 沙特国王大学King Saud University,计算机信息工程学院,博士后研究员Postdoc Researcher, 合作导师: Yousef A.Alotaibi;

   (11) 2010.09-2011.11 华中科技大学Huazhong University of Science and Technology,自动化学院,曾进入博士后流动站, 合作导师: 关治洪教授;


(1)起重机重装备智能控制研究(Research on Intelligent Control of Crane Heavy Equipment);

  (2)漂浮式海洋风电与太阳能光伏及新能源制储运氢研究(Research on Hydrogen Production, Storage and Transportation of Floating Ocean Wind Power and Solar Photovoltaic Renewable Energy);

  (3)数字孪生与工业机器人智能控制研究(Research on Digital Twin and Industrial Robots Intelligent Control);

  (4)氢能船与氢能车及氢燃料电池研究(Research on Hydrogen Ships, Hydrogen Vehicles and Hydrogen Fuel Cells);

  (5)新能源电动汽车充电桩与港口船舶岸电桩及云平台研究(Research on Charging Pile of New Energy Electric Vehicles and Shore-to-ship Power and Cloud Platform);

  (6)智能物联网(无人机-车-船联网、风电联网、氢能联网、能量管理)及智慧云平台研究(Research on Intelligent IOT (drone-vehicle-ship networking, wind power networking, hydrogen energy networking, EMS) and Smart Cloud Platform)









  (1) 潘林,肖汉斌,《港口船舶岸电系统控制》,书籍外文名称《System Control of Shore-to-ship Power in Port》, 449千字,271页,书号ISBN 9787562960591, 太阳成集团的官方网站出版社(现代航运与物流:安全 绿色 智能技术研究丛书), 2019年9月;京东网https://item.jd.com/69341162800.html 当当网http://product.dangdang.com/28984216.html

  (2)潘林,《港口近海漂浮式海上风电机组系统控制》,书籍外文名称《System Control of FOWT Generator Units in Port and Offshore》,452千字,259页,书号ISBN 9787562966685,太阳成集团的官方网站出版社(现代航运与物流:安全 绿色 智能技术研究丛书, 2期), 2022年10月. 京东网https://item.jd.com/13968674.html 当当网https://product.dangdang.com/11488441210.html
















  (15)卢森堡国家基金委博士后项目, AFR Marie-Curie PDR, Cooperative Control of Wind Farms for Optimizing the Total Electrical Energy Production Project acronym:COTEL, 2014-07-01至2016-06-30,10万欧元(73.1万元),已结题,主持;

  (16)欧盟玛丽居里学者博士后基金项目Marie Curie Fellow, Senior researcher (Postdoc), ERCIM Postdoc Fellowship Programe(funded by ERCIM/co-funded by the EC Marie Curie Actions), University of Luxembourg, Complex Multi-Agent System and Its Intelligent Control,2013-04-01至2014-06-30,5万欧元(36.5万元),已结题,主持;

  (17)沙特国家自然基金项目Kingdom of Saudi Arabia program (NPST) by King Saud University Project Number 10-INF1325-02 (CO-PI). Rhythm in Arabic Speech and Language (RASL): A New Research Initiative,2011-11至2012-11,1972000沙特里亚尔(339.9万元),已结题,参加;



  (1)Yong Xiong, Xianfei Wang, Lin Pan, Siwen Zhou. "Research on online interactive identification method for motion model of double propeller propulsion unmanned surface vehicle based on ESO disturbance estimation". Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285: 115328. (SCI, IF: 5.0)

  (2)Yong Xiong, Lin Pan, Min Xiao and Han Xiao. Motion control and path optimization of intelligent AUV using fuzzy adaptive PID and improved genetic algorithm[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 9208-9245. (SCI, IF: 2.6)

  (3)Lin Pan, Sheng Wang, Jiying Wang, Min Xiao, and Zhirong Tan. "Research on Central Air Conditioning Systems and an Intelligent Prediction Model of Building Energy Load", Energies. 2022, 15 (24), 9295. (SCI, IF: 3.252)

  (4)Yong Xiong, Haibin Zhu, Lin Pan, and Jiying Wang. 2022. "Research on Intelligent Trajectory Control Method of Water Quality Testing Unmanned Surface Vessel", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(9), 1252. (SCI, IF: 2.744)

  (5)Xiao, Ruiqi, Lin Pan, Hanbin Xiao, Han Xiao, and Ze Zhu. 2022. "Research of Intelligent Logistics and High-Quality Economy Development for Yangtze River Cold Chain Shipping Based on Carbon Neutrality", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 8: 1029. (SCI, IF: 2.744)

  (6)R Li, H Xiao, X Xiao, J Zhang, Lin Pan, ‘Torsional Deformation Analysis of Large Miter Gate under Different Operating Conditions’, Energies, 2022, 15 (3), 978. (SCI, IF: 3.252)

  (7)Lin Pan, Yong Xiong, Ze Zhu, and Leichong Wang, “Research on variable pitch control strategy of direct-driven offshore wind turbine using KELM wind speed soft sensor,” Renewable Energy, vol. 184, pp. 1002–1017, 2022., (SCI, IF: 8.001)

  (8)Lin Pan; Zhu, Z.; Xiao, H.; Wang, L. Numerical Analysis and Parameter Optimization of J-Shaped Blade on Offshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Energies, 2021, 14, 6426. (SCI, IF: 3.004)

  (9)Lin Pan; Zhu, Z.; Shi, Z.; Wang, L. Modeling and Investigation of Blade Trailing Edge of Vertical Axis Offshore Wind Turbine. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 10905. (SCI, IF: 3.251)

  (10)Lin Pan, Ze Zhu, Yong Xiong, Jingkai Shao. Integral Sliding Mode Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking in DFIG Based Floating Offshore Wind Turbine and Power to Gas. Processes, 2021, 9, no. 6: 1016. (SCI, IF: 2.753)

  (11)Yong Xiong, Jiajun Yu, Yijing Tu, Lin Pan, Qige Zhu, Junmin Mou, Research on Data Driven Adaptive Berthing Method and Technology. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 222, 15 February 2021, 108620. (SCI, IF: 3.068)

  (12)Lin Pan, Chengpeng Shao. Wind Energy Conversion Systems Analysis of PMSG on Offshore Wind Turbine Using Improved SMC and Extended State Observer. Renewable Energy, Vol. 161, Dec. 2020, pp.149-161. (SCI, IF: 8.001)

  (13)Lin Pan, Xudong Wang. Variable pitch control on direct-driven PMSG for offshore wind turbine using Repetitive-TS fuzzy PID control. Renewable Energy, Volume 159, October 2020, 159, pp. 221–237. (SCI, IF: 8.001)

  (14)Lin Pan, Zhaoyang Shi, Haodong Xiao. Parameter design and optimization for camber of vertical axis offshore wind turbine using CFD. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 2020, vol. 6, pp.339-357.(EI)

  (15)Lin Pan, Jingkai Shao, “A Novel Intelligent Shore-to-Ship Power Supply System Using Collaborative Motor Control,” Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 5(1): 70.

  (16)M. Li, H. Xiao, Lin Pan, and C. Xu, “Study of Generalized Interaction Wake Models Systems with ELM Variation for Off-Shore Wind Farms,” Energies, 2019, 12(5), 863.( SCI, IF: 3.004)

  (17)Y. Pan and C. Yang and Lin Pan and H. Yu, “Integral Sliding Mode Control: Performance, Modification, and Improvement,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 3087-3096. (SCI, IF: 9.112)

  (18)Lin Pan, Xin Tang, and Yongping Pan, Generalized and Exponential Synchronization for a Class of Novel Complex Dynamic Networks with Hybrid Time-Varying Delay via IPAPC, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2018, 16(5): 2501-2517. (SCI, IF: 2.733)

  (19)Xin Tang, Fabien Lehuédé, Olivier Péton, Lin Pan, Network design of a multi-period collaborative distribution system, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 18 August 2017, pp. 1-12. (SCI, IF: 3.753)

  (20) Y. Pan, M. Er, Y. Liu, Lin Pan, H. Yu, Composite Learning Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, December 2016, Vo. 18, no.6, pp. 990-998. (SCI, IF: 4.406)

  (21) Y. Xu, W. Zhou, J. Fang, W. Sun, Lin Pan, Adaptive synchronization of stochastic time varying delay dynamical networks with complex-variable systems, Nonlinear Dynamics (IF: 2.849), 2015: 81:1717-17262015. (SCI)

  (22)Lin Pan, Zhihong Guan and Long Zhou. Chaos Multiscale-Synchronization Between Two Different Fractional-Order Hyperchaotic Systems Based on Feedback Control. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23.8(2013):50146. (SCI)

  (23) Lin Pan, Long Zhou and Dequan Li, Synchronization in Novel Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System(TSUCS) and It's Hyper-Unified Chaotic System Using Active Pinning Control, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 2059-2071. (SCI)

  (24)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou, Long Zhou and Kehui Sun, Chaos Synchronization between Two Different Fractional-order HyperChaotic Systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (2011) pp. 2628-2640. (SCI)

  (25)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou and Jian'an Fang, On dynamics analysis of a novel three-scroll chaotic attractor, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 347 (2010) pp. 508-522. (SCI)

  (26)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou and Jian'an Fang, Dynamics Analysis of a New Simple Chaotic Attractor, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2010, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 468-472. (SCI)

  (27)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou, Jian'an Fang and Dequan Li, Synchronization and anti-synchronization of new uncertain fractional-order modified unified chaotic systems via novel active pinning control, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15 (2010) pp. 3754-3762. (SCI)

  (28)Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jian’an Fang, Wen Sun and Lin Pan, Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with non-derivative and derivative coupling, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 347, no. 8, October 2010, pp. 1566-1576. (SCI)

  (29) Lin Pan, Daoyun Xu and Wuneng Zhou, Controlling a Novel Chaotic Attractor using Linear Feedback, in Journal of Information and Computing Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2010, pp. 117-124.

  (30)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou, Jian'an Fang and Dequan Li, Analysis of Linear and Adaptive Feedback Synchronization in a New Unified Chaotic System, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2010, 24(8): 708-716. (SCI)

  (31)Wuneng Zhou, Lin Pan, Zhong Li and Wolfgang A. Halang, Non-linear Feedback Control of a Novel Chaotic System, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2009, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 939-944. (SCI)

  (32)Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou, Jian'an Fang and Dequan Li. A novel active pinning control for synchronization and anti-synchronization of new uncertain unified chaotic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 62.1 (2010): 417-425. (SCI)

  (33)Wuneng Zhou, Yuhua Xu, Hongqian Lu and Lin Pan, On dynamics analysis of a new chaotic attractor, Physics Letters A, 2008, vol. 372, no. 36, pp. 5773–5777. (SCI)


(1)M. Jiang, L. Pan, J. Wang and Y. Pan, "DSMO-based hybrid sliding mode control for direct-drive PMSG wind power generator systems," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 1976-1981. IEEE. (EI)

(2)Y. Pan, L. Pan, J. Wang, M. Jiang and Z. Li, "MPPT of Wind Power System Based on Hybrid Perturbation Observation and Global Fast Integral Sliding Mode," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 4024-4029. IEEE. (EI)

(3)Y. Yang, L. Pan, J. Wang and Z. Deng, "Energy management strategy based on CEEMDAN and fuzzy logic control for hybrid power system of ship," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 1970-1975. IEEE. (EI)

(4)Z. Deng, L. Pan, J. Wang and Y. Yang, "Energy management strategy for hybrid ships based on an improved Savitzky-Golay algorithm," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 1964-1969. IEEE. (EI)

(5) Y. Ling and L. Pan, "The container stowage planning problem in a barge convoy system via Q-learning-based NSGA-II algorithm," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 4492-4497. IEEE. (EI)

(6)Y. Li and L. Pan, "Research of Drone-Truck Collaborative Delivery Path Optimization Based on Two-stage Heuristic Algorithm," 2023 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Yichang, China, 2023, pp. 3826-3831. IEEE. (EI)

(7)Yanan Huang, Lin Pan. (2022, October). Urban Cold Chain Logistics Vehicle Path Optimization Based on IOT Real-Time Traffic. In 2022 4th International Conference on Data-driven Optimization of Complex Systems (DOCS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (EI)

(8)Huijuan Huang, Lin Pan. (2022, August). Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Route Optimization with Time Windows under Time-varying Road Networks. In 2022 4th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (EI)

(9)Yuan Yu, Lin Pan, Jun-an Bao, Hao Tian. (2022, August). Adaptive backstepping sliding mode control based on MLP neural network for trajectory tracking of USV. In 2022 4th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (EI)

(10)Jun-an Bao, Lin Pan, Jiying Wang, Yuan Yu, Hao Tian. (2022). Nonsigular fast terminal sliding mode control based on Extended state observer for trajectory tracking of USV. In 2022 4th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (EI)

(11)Wang, Qianyi, and Lin Pan. "Study on floating offshore wind power hydrogen production and hydrogen production ship." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA), pp. 899-905. IEEE, 2022. (EI)

(12)Lin Pan, Zhaoyang Shi, Shanwang Gao, Haodong Xiao, "Study of Parameter Design and Aerodynamics on Bending Characteristics of VAWT Airfoil," 2020 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Hefei, China, 2020, pp. 5460-5465, doi: 10.1109/CCDC49329.2020.9164660. (EI)

(13) Lin Pan, Haodong Xiao, Yanwei Zhang, Zhaoyang Shi, "Research on Aerodynamic Performance of J-type Blade Vertical Axis Wind Turbine," 2020 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Hefei, China, 2020, pp. 5454-5459, doi: 10.1109/CCDC49329.2020.9164408. (EI)

(14) Lin Pan, Ping Yan, Yong Shi, "MPPT of Multi-signal Feedforward Doubly-fed Asynchronous Wind Turbine," 2020 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Hefei, China, 2020, pp. 5550-5555, doi: 10.1109/CCDC49329.2020.9164118. (EI)

(15) Lin PAN, A. DIAS and J. WANG, "Internal traffic congestion: A new application of Kruskal’s Theorem," 2019 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Nanchang, China, 2019, pp. 819-824, doi: 10.1109/CCDC.2019.8833368. (EI)

(16) Lin Pan, Jingkai Shao, Chengjun Xu, “Design and Research on Electrical System of Intelligent Low Voltage Shore Side Electric Pile for River Port”, The 37th Chinese control conference (CCC2018), Wuhan, China, during July 25-27, 2018, IEEE Conference, pp. 8347-8352. (EI)

(17) Lin Pan, Heming Li, Jiying Wang, “Study on Temperature Adjustment System of Intelligent Shore-based Electrical Cabinet and Its Control”, 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Shenyang, China, June 9-11, 2018, IEEE, pp. 6662-6667. (EI)

(18) Lin Pan, Guanhong Ye, Jiying Wang, “Study on a Kind of Shore-to-ship Power Supply Smart Billing System”, 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Shenyang, China, June 9-11, 2018, IEEE, pp. 986 -991. (EI)

(19) Lin Pan, Jingshi Wang, Jiying Wang, “Research on Control System of Intelligent Shore-to-ship Power Connecting Pile Based on PLC Technology”, 2018 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Shenyang, China, during June 9-11, 2018, IEEE, pp.1120-1125. (EI)

(20) Xin Tang, Xueyu Zhao, Lin Pan, Jiying Wang, Yi Yang, “The Study of Following Behavior to Bi-direction Pedestrian Flow with the Dynamic Preconscious Effect”, 2017 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA), 2017, pp. 149-155. (EI)

(21) Jiying Wang, Jiquan Hu, Lin Pan, “A hybrid method of roller bearing fault diagnosis based on improved LMD and spectral kurtosis”, 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Gold Coast, Australia, 17-20 Dec. 2017, pp. 1928-1933. (EI)

(22) G. Liao and J. Hu and Lin Pan and J. Wang and X. Liu, “Study on intelligent low-voltage shore power charging pile in inland port”, 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 2017, pp.10160-10165. IEEE. (EI)

(23) J. Wang and J. Hu and Lin Pan and Z. Liu and C. Li, “A novel method of roller bearing fault feature extraction based on improved LMD and CZT”, 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), July 2017, pp.7082-7086. IEEE. (EI)

(24) Lin Pan, H. Voos, and Y. Pan and M. Darouach, “A Generalized Interaction Wake Model with Its Variation for Control Purpose in Wind Farms,” The 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2016), in Chengdu, China, during July, 2016. IEEE. (EI)

(25) Y. Pan, Lin Pan, M. Darouach and H. Yu, “Composite Learning: An Efficient Way of Parameter Estimation in Adaptive Control,” The 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2016), Chengdu, China, July, 2016. IEEE. (EI)

(26) Lin Pan, H. Voos, and Y. Pan and M. Darouach, “Generalized Wake Interaction Models and Optimal Control in Wind Farms,” The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2016), Yinchuan, China, May, 2016. IEEE. (EI)

(27) Y. Pan, T. Sun, Lin Pan, H. Yu, “Robustness Analysis of Composite Adaptive Robot Control,” The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2016), Yinchuan, China, May, 2016. IEEE. (EI)

(28) Y. Pan, Meng Joo Er, Lin Pan, H. Yu, “Composite learning from model reference adaptive fuzzy control,” Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY), 2015 International Conference on, 18-20 Nov. 2015, Yilan. pp.91-96,. IEEE. (EI)

(29) Lin Pan, H. Voos, and Y. Li, M. Darouach and Y. Xu, “A Class of Improved Wake Interaction Model for the Coordinated Control of Wind Farms,” Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2015, in November 27-29, 2015, Wuhan, China. pp: 1322-1327. IEEE. (EI)

(30) Y. Pan, Lin Pan, H. Yu, “Composite Learning Control With Application to Inverted Pendulums,” 2015 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), in November 27-29, 2015, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2015, in November, 2015, Wuhan, China. pp: 232-236. IEEE. (EI)

(31) Lin Pan, H. Voos, and Y. Li, M. Darouach and S. Hu, “A Wake Interaction Model for the Coordinated Control of Wind Farms,” 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), in September, 2015, Luxembourg. pp. 1-7. (EI)

(32) Lin Pan, H. Voos, and Y. Li, M. Darouach and S. Hu, “Uncertainty Quantification of Exponential Synchronization for a Novel Class of Complex Dynamical Networks with Hybrid TVD Using PIPC,” The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2015), Qingdao, China, May, 2015. pp. 125-130. IEEE. (EI)

(33) Y. LI, H. VOOS, Lin Pan, M. DAROUACH, C. HUA, “Stochastic Cyber-Attacks Estimation for Nonlinear Control Systems Based on Robust H1 Filtering Technique,” The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2015), Qingdao, China, May, 2015. pp. 5590-5595. IEEE. (EI)

(34) Lin Pan, H. Voos, I. N’Doye and M. Darouach, “Exponential synchronization for a new class of complex dynamical network with PIPC and hybrid TVD,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC), Oct. 2014, Juan Les Pins, France, pp. 270-275. (EI)

(35) A. Rosich, H. Voos and Lin Pan, “Network Design for Distributed Model-Based Fault Detection and Isolation,” 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2014), 8-10 October, 2014, Antibes/Nice, France. pp.1226-1231. IEEE. (EI)

(36) Lin Pan, H. Voos, I. N’Doye and M. Darouach, “Uncertainty Quantification of Group Synchronization and Control of a New Class of Adaptive Complex Dynamical Network with Brownian Motion and Time-varying Delay,” The 33rd Chinese Control Conference (IEEE CCC 2014), July, 2014, Nanjing, China, pp. 1881-1886. IEEE. (EI)

(37) Lin Pan, H. Voos, I. N’Doye and M. Darouach, “Group Synchronization and Control of a New Class of Adaptive Complex Network with Brownian Motion and Time-varying Delay,” Published in: European Control Conference(ECC), June 2014, Strasbourg, France, 2014, pp. 1771-1776. IEEE. (EI)

(38) Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Yousef A.Alotaibi and Lin Pan, “Comparing Arabic Rhythm Metrics among Other Languages,”  Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), 2012 International Conference on, 16-18 July 2012, Shanghai, China, pp. 287-291. (EI)

(39) Lin Pan, Daoyun Xu and Wuneng Zhou, “`Synchronization and Anti-synchronization of New Uncertain Hyperchaotic Systems Via Novel Active Pinning Control,” Networking and Digital Society (ICNDS), May, 2010,WenZhou, China, pp. 52-57, 2010. (EI)

(40) Lin Pan, Wuneng Zhou, Zhong Li, Sunantha Sodsee, Maytiyanin Komkhao and Wolfgang A. Halang, “Linear and Adaptive Feedback Synchronization of a Novel Unified Chaotic System,” The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009), 2: 338-344, Hasselt, Belgium. Nov., 2009. (EI)

(41) Zhongqi Ma, Wuneng Zhou, Lin Pan. New strategy of delay-dependent H∞ stability and stabilization for uncertain neutral systems with mixed time-varying delays. Proc. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guilin, China: 3836-3841, 17-19 June 2009.

(42) Xiaozheng Mou, Wuneng Zhou, Lin Pan and Qingyu Zhu. Synchronization control of stochastically coupled neural networks with mixed time-delays. Proc. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guilin, China: 3171-3176, 17-19 June 2009.

(43) Xiaozheng Mou, Wuneng Zhou, Lin Pan, Tianbo Wang. Synchronization of neural networks with mixed time-varying delays based on parameter identification and via output coupling. Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, Wuhan, China, 1: 225-228, 23-24 May, 2009.

(44) Xiaozheng Mou, Wuneng Zhou, Lin Pan, Qingyu Zhu, Jian’an Fang. Lag synchronization of uncertain chaotic neural networks with mixed time-varying delays based on adaptive control. Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Security. Beijing, China, pp. 222-226, 11-14, Dec., 2009.

(45) Sunantha Sodsee, Maytiyanin Komkhao, Lin Pan, Zhong Li, Wolfgang A. Halang and Wallace K.S. Tang. Discrete-time consensus in a scale-free buyer network. The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009), (Hasselt, Belgium), pp. 445-452. November 27-28, 2009.


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(5) 一种钢丝绳除污润滑一体化机器人,(国家发明专利授权,专利号ZL202210668631.5);

(6) 一种时变路网下的路径优化方法、装置及存储介质,国家发明专利授理号CN202210839946.1;

(7) 城市冷链物流车辆路径优化方法、系统及存储介质,国家发明专利授理号CN202210778332.7;

(8) 基于位置传感器的海上风电机组最大功率跟踪控制方法(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210207669.2);

(9) 一种中央空调机系统冷负荷预测方法、系统和设备(国家发明专利授理,专利号202211109225.1);

(10) 一种氢气储运安全性监测系统(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210294800.3);

(11) 一种用于海上船舶充电的多级伸缩式电缆输送装置(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210210210.8);

(12) 一种基于靠船墩的船舶停泊岸电系统及控制方法(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210224727.2);

(13) 一种为航标灯供电的多维度波浪能发电装置(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210258285.3);

(14) 一种模糊控制水下机器人运动的方法、控制器及机器人(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210209637.6);

(15) 一种船舶用岸电桩及岸电桩温控方法(国家发明专利授理,专利号202111075803X);

(16) 一种用于岸电桩的电缆输送控制方法及系统(国家发明专利授理,专利号2021111531998);

(17) 一种摩天轮式立体停车库(国家发明专利授权,专利号202111125923.6);

(18) 一种大型摩天轮式立体停车库(国家发明专利授权,2021111225922.1);

(19) 漂浮式海上风电机组永磁直驱风电系统变桨距控制方法(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210208162.9);

(20) 新型智慧港口船舶岸基接电桩(授权外观设计专利,专利号2021301928988);

(21) 基于大数据与动态仿真的中央空调系统运行策略优化方法(国家发明专利授权,专利号ZL202111583597.3);

(22) 基于中央空调系统动态仿真平台的智能优化控制方法(国家发明专利授权,专利号ZL202111326351.8);

(23) 一种大数据空调系统动态智能预测系统建模方法(国家发明专利授理,专利号202111332464.9);

(24) 一种多功能一体化粮食散货轮船的清仓机器人(实用新型专利授权,专利号ZL202122714197.3);

(25) 船舶操纵人因工程行为数据采集系统(实用新型专利授理,专利号202122789347.7);

(26) 一种坞船牵引绞车仿真控制台(实用新型专利授理,专利号202122814986.4);

(27) 一种用于钢丝绳疲劳寿命的检测方法及装置,(国家发明专利授理,专利号202210858079.6);


(1) 个性化定制多扫描件的三维点云的配准重构软件(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0805720);

(2) 基于arduino IDE平台的水质检测无人船的航行控制系统(授权软著权,登记号2021SR1928972);

(3) 基于神经网络的燃料电池燃料消耗软件(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0603614);

(4) 基于无人水面艇轨迹跟踪的智能控制系统(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0805720);

(5) 基于USV的路径规划与航向跟踪控制系统(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0817170);

(6) 基于物联网平台的车辆配送路径智能规划系统(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0817458);

(7) 基于物联网与RFID技术的仓储管理系统(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0805742);

(8) 基于STM32开发板的水下地形测绘无人船智能控制系统(授权软著权,登记号2022SR0805608);

(9) 可伸缩半挂车轻量化设计软件(授权软著权,登记号2023SR0440340);

(10) 基于PID控制的四自由度机械臂轨迹规划软件(授权软著权,登记号2023SR0548527);

(11) 基于VMD分解光伏功率混合储能控制系统仿真软件(授权软著权,登记号2023SR1243051);

(12) 基于 CEEMDAN 与模糊控制的船舶混合能量管理仿真软件(授权软著权,登记号2023SR0548578);

(13) 基于 FGFISMC 的双馈风力发电机最大功率点追踪仿真软件(授权软著权,登记号2023SR0548591);


[国家标准] GB/T 38329.1-2019 港口船岸连接 第1部分: 高压岸电连接(HVSC)系统 一般要求(排名14)


欧盟玛丽居里学者;中国自动化学会高级会员;中国人工智能学会会员;绍兴“名士之乡”英才计划创新人才;石家庄市高层次科技创新创业人才;中国智海专家库成员;浙江省港口高级工程师职务任职资格评审专家;教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心通讯评议专家;现任一国际期刊(Journal of Mathematics and Informatics, JMI)正式编委:  http://www.researchmathsci.org/JMIeditorial.html

担任多家国际期刊长期审稿编辑,如:Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Heliyon, ISA Transactions, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, International Journal of Green Energy,IEEE Access, Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Vibration and Control, Energies等国际SCI期刊和国际会议ACC、IFAC、CCC、CCDC长期审稿人;






获Elsevier国际SCI期刊Renewable Energy最佳审稿人成就奖(2018);




