


姓    名:郑澜波

性    别:女






2002年本科毕业于国防科技大学计算机学院,后于澳大利亚悉尼大学信息科学与技术学院取得博士学位。博士论文方向为以图论与数学优化为基础的最优化算法在信息可视化领域的理论和应用研究(导师为信息可视化领域专家Peter Eades)。博士期间获德国科隆大学数学优化领域专家Michael Junger邀请参与欧盟玛丽居里项目组合优化算法的研究,进一步深入了对多面体组合学、二次规划等理论的研究。2008年受聘澳大利亚信息与通讯技术研究院(National ICT Australia)的复杂性管理研究室研究员,师从领域专家Toby Walsh(AAAI执行委员会成员),同时与ILOG DISPATCHER的作者Phillip Kilby合作,开发了混合约束规划、智能搜索和数学规划技术的用于求解车辆路径问题的Indigo Solver(该产品于2011年获得了澳大利亚新南威尔士州iAward奖)。2010年加入纽卡斯尔大学物理与数学学院任研究学者,师从Natashia Boland教授深入学习离散优化技术,作为主要研究人员参与了澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)国家企业联合基金项目“Using Mathematics to Maximize the Efficiency of Shared Infrastructure in Australia’s Coal Project”,负责煤炭供应链优化管理的建模及算法设计与实现,并成功将研究理论应用于世界最大出口煤炭供应链(猎人谷煤炭链)的资源优化管理中,必和必拓(BHP)之后对技术进行了商业开发,经济成效显著。2012年回国后主持国家自然科学基金“多时间粒度下端到端煤炭供应链增效方法研究”,并走访调研了黄骅、秦皇岛、曹妃甸、天津、宁波、连云港、珠海、上海、青岛等多家国内大型港口,对国家煤炭物流行业和散货港口智慧化发展有较具体和全面的认识。2019-2020年主持完成了“黄骅港智能化排产技术研究”项目,围绕黄骅港日常卸车和配煤装船生产作业,设计了面向场景的生产系统管理架构,开发了卸车装船一体化的生产调度决策算法引擎,并搭建大宗散货港口智能化决策算法开发与测试实验平台,通过对真实生产数据的连续测试,达到了企业中控环节日常生产需求,可在15秒内生成与理论下界偏差9%的有效结果,更好地匹配了到港货物和出港货物的衔接利用,在优化作业时长的基础上实现了港口吞吐量最大化。






1. X. Li, S. Yang, L. Zheng et al., Validation of the Swedish Diabetes Re-Grouping Scheme in Adult-Onset Diabetes in China, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & metabolism, August 2020.

2. J. Li, L. Zheng and X. Li, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Education and Management: Present Status and Promising Prospect,Frontiers in Public Health, May 2020.

3. J. Li, Y. Zhang, S. Ji, L. Zheng and J. Xu, Multi-satge hierarchical decomposition approach for stowage planning problem in inland container linear shipping, Journal of the Operational Research Society, online 14 Feb. 2019.

4. X. Liu and L. Zheng, Improved benders decomposition for solving network maintenance scheduling problem, 13thInternational Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications, ISORA 2018.

5. J. Da, L. Zheng and X. Tang. A polyhedral study of the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints.Computational Logistics - 8th International Conference, ICCL 2017, Southampton, UK, October 18-20, 2017.

6. C. Wen and L. Zheng, A Constraint Programming Based Method for Stockyard Management Problem, Internet and Distributed Computing Systems - 9th International Conference, IDCS 2016, Wuhan, China, September 28-30, 2016.

7. Q. Xu and L. Zheng, A hybrid tabu search and LP heuristics for the maximum total flow with flexible arc outages. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics, IRIDIA, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2016.

8. N. Boland, T. Kalinowski, H. Waterer and L. Zheng. Scheduling arc maintenance jobs in a network to maximize total flow over time.Discrete Applied Mathematics 163: 34-52 (2014)

9. N. Boland, T. Kalinowski,H. Waterer and L. Zheng. Mixed Integer Programming based maintenance scheduling for the Hunter Valley coal chain. Journal of Scheduling, 16(6): 649-659 (2013).

10. X. Dong, W. F. Li and L. Zheng. Ant colony optimization for a resource-constrained shortest path problem with applications in multimodal transport. Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control, 18(3):268-275(2013).

11. C. Buchheim, A. Wiegele and L. Zheng. Exact algorithms for the quadratic linear ordering problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, volume 22, number 1, 2010.

12. N. Boland, T. Kalinowski, H. Waterer and L. Zheng. An optimization approach to maintenance scheduling for capacity alignment in the Hunter Valley coal chain. Proceedings of the 35th Application of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry (APCOM) Symposium, Wollongong, Australia, page 887-898, Sept. 2011.

13. P. Kilby, A. Verden and L. Zheng. The cost of flexible routing.Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII) ,Tromsø, Norway, June 2010.

14. L. Zheng and C. Buchheim, “A new exact algorithm for the two-sided crossing minimization problem”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA’07), Vol. 4616 of LNCS, Springer, 2007.

15. C. Buchheim and L. Zheng, “Fixed linear crossing minimization by reduction to the maximum cut problem”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics(COCOON’06), Vol. 4112 of LNCS, Springer, 2006.

16. L. Zheng, L. Song and P. Eades, Crossing minimization problems of drawing bipartite graphs in two clusters. 5thInternational Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualization APVIS 2005: 33-37.

17. W. Huang, C. Murray, X. Shen, L. Song, Y. Wu and L. Zheng, Visualization and analysis of network motifs. Information Visualization 2005: 697-702.


1. 黄骅港智能化排产研究(合同号:神华黄骅港合XX(2019)18号),主持,国家能源集团神华黄骅港务有限责任公司委托,2019-2020,结题

2. 多时间粒度下端到端煤炭供应链增效方法研究(项目号:71501152),主持,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2016-2018,结题

3. 不确定集港环境下班轮航线的动态配载决策方法研究(项目号:71372202),参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-2017,结题

4. 下一代集装箱智慧港口2035天津方案咨询服务,参与,天津港第二集装箱码头有限公司委托,2020年,在研

5. 长江智慧港航总体方案设计,参与,武汉新港管理委员会委托,2017-2019,结题

6. 珠海港智慧绿色发展建设规划研究,参与,珠海港控股集团有限公司委托,2017-2018,结题

7. 连云港港口科技发展规划研究,参与,连云港港口集团有限公司委托,2017,结题

8. 河北港口群煤炭供应链研究,主持,秦皇岛股份有限公司委托,2013年,结题

9. Supply Chain Optimisation for the Hunter Valley Coal Chain, Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Grant), researcher, 2009-, open

10. Intelligent Fleet Logistics, National ICT Australia, researcher, 2008-2010, closed

11. Crossing Minimization by Quadratic Optimization, European Commission (RTN ADONET 504438), researcher, 2005-2009, closed

12. Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks, National ICT Australia VALACON project, researcher, 2004-2007, closed
